Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Phalaenopsis modesta J.J. Sm. 1906

Subgenus: Polychilos
Section: Amboinenses Sweet 1968
Synonyms: Polychilos modesta (J.J. Sm.) Shim 1982
Found in Kalimantan in lower montane forests on the base of trees near streams at elevations around 50 to 900 meters.
Carrying a few, fleshy, obovate, gradually narrowing below into the subpetiolate base leaves that blooms with a slender stalk, arching to pendant, up to 15 cm long, racemose or occasionally branched.
Flower: delicate, fragrant, 2 to 2,5 cm broad, white with bright purple or pale purple blotched.

Bahasa Indonesia :
Ditemukan di Kalimantan di hutan pegunungan bawah pada pangkal pohon dekat sungai pada ketinggian mencapai 50 hingga 900 meter.
Membawa beberapa daun, berdaging, berbentuk bulat telur terbalik, secara bertahap menyempit bawah ke dalam subpetiolate dasar yang mengembang dengan tangkai yang ramping, melengkung ke liontin, hingga panjang 15 cm, yg berbentuk gugusan atau kadang-kadang bercabang.
Bunga: lembut, wangi, 2 hingga 2,5 cm lebar, putih dengan bercak ungu terang atau ungu pucat.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Liparis L.C.Rich 1817


SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Malaxideae SUBTRIBE Malaxidinae.

This is a large genus of over 250 mostly terrestrial species widespread in both the temperate and tropical areas of the world. This genus is made up of mostly terrestrials found in wet montane forests from sea level to 3000 meters and are characterized by having pseudobulbs with one or two leaves, a subumbellate or spicate inflorescence and flowers that have the sepals and petals free, the petals narrower than the sepals, a spurless lip, a footless elongate column and two pollina without caudicles, a stipe or a viscidium. (References : Jay Pfahl - orchidspecies)

List of some species:
Liparis compressa
Liparis lacerata
Liparis montana
Liparis palida
Liparis pilifera
Liparis prianganensis
Liparis purpureoviridis
Liparis rheedei
Liparis rhombea
Liparis terrestris
Liparis tricallosa

Liparis lacerata Ridl. 1886

Section: Cestichis
Synonyms: Leptorchis lacerata (Ridl.) Kuntze 1891; Stichorkis lacerata (Ridl.) Marg., Szlach. & Kulak 2008
Found in Malaysia, Kalimantan and Sumatra at elevation from sea level to 600m, in lowland forests.
Pseudobulbs carrying 2, apical, lanceolate leaves, that is equally narrowed to the elongate petiolate base.
Flower: flowers stalk erect then pendulous up to 45 cm long, up to 60 flowered, 1cm broad, shiny bright orange.

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Sunday, 21 November 2010

Dendrobium microglaphys Rchb.f. 1868

Section: Amblyanthus
Synonyms: Dendrobium callibotrys Ridl. 1896
Found in Kalimantan, Malaysia and Singapore at elevation from sea level to 800 meters, attached to tree trunks or as terrestrial in lowland and hills mossy forest. But often found attached to the base of tree trunks. The pseudobulbs can erect up to 60 cm long.
Flower: racemose inflorescence, up to 12 flowered, arising from high on the stem. White flower with yellow at the tip of lip and red scratch.

Bahasa Indonesia :
Ditemukan di Kalimantan, Malaysia, dan Singapore pada ketinggian dari permukaan laut hingga 800 meter di atas pemukaan laut, menempel pada batang pohon atau sebagai teristris di hutan dataran rendah dan perbukitan berlumut. Tetapi sering kali ditemukan menempel pada pangkal batang pohon.

Umbi semu berdiri hingga panjang 60 cm.
Bunga: bergerombol, mencapai 12 kuntum, muncul pada ruas-ruas ujung batang. Bunga berwarna putih dengan kuning pada ujung bagian lidah dan cakaran merah.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Acriopsis liliifolia [Koenig] Ormerod 1995

Synonyms: Acriopsis annamica Finet 1911; Acriopsis crispa Griff.; Acriopsis floribunda Ames 1920; Acriopsis griffithii Rchb. f. 1854; Acriopsis harae Tuyama 1964; Acriopsis insulari-silvatica Fukuy. 1938; !Acriopsis javanica Reinw. ex Blume 1823; Acriopsis picta Lindl. 1843; Acriopsis nelsoniana F.M. Bailey 1883; Acriopsis papuana Kraenzl. ex K. Schum. & Lauterb. 1905; Acriopsis philippinensis Ames 1908; Acriopsis sumatrana Schltr. 1900; *Epidendrum liliifolium Koenig 1791; Spathoglottis trivalvis Lindl. 1828
Found in South East Asia, Australia and the Solomon Islands at elevation from sea level to 1600 meters. Attached to the tree trunks.
Has small, clustered, ovoid, 5 to 7 noded pseudobulbs and carries 3 to 4 apical, linear, obtuse leaves and has a symbiotic relationship with ants.
Flower: 8mm broad, white with light purple blotches.

Bahasa Indonesia :
Ditemukan di Asia Tenggara, Australia dan Kepulauan Solomon di ketinggian 0 hingga 1600 meter dari permukaan laut. Menempel pada batang pohon. 

Memiliki umbi semu kecil, berkerumun, berbentuk bulat telur, bersegi 5 sampai 7 dan membawa 3 sampai 4 daun apikal, lurus memanjang, tumpul dan memiliki hubungan simbiosis dengan semut.
Lingkar bunga 8mm, berwarna putih dengan bercak ungu muda.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Thecostele alata [Roxb.] Parish & Rchb. f. 1874

Synonyms: Collabium annamense Gagnep. 1950; Collabium wrayi Hook. f. 1890; *Cymbidium alatum Roxb. 1832; Pholidota elmeri Ames 1912; Thecostele elmeri (Ames) Ames 1952; Thecostele maculosa Ridl. 1893 ; Thecostele poilanei Gagnep. 1931; Thecostele wrayi (Hook. f.) Rolfe 1912; Thecostele zollingeri Rchb. f. 1857
Found in Bangladesh, Myanamar, Thailand, Malayasia, Laos, Vietnam, Kalimantan, Java, Sumatra and the Philippines in lowland and lower montane forests at elevations of sealevel to 1800 meters.
Clustered, ovoid to ellipdsoidal, compressed, pseudobulbs. Carrying a single, apical, thinly to elliptic-obovate leaf
Flower Stalk: 20 to 50 cm long, slender, branching inflorescence arising from the base of the mature pseudobulbs.
Physical plant is similar to Thecopus secunda.
Flower: 15 to 40 flowers, 2 cm broad, white with dark crimson blotches.
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